Sunday, November 20, 2011

Im not a poet and I know it

I have been studying, writing, hearing, and reading poetry since probably the 1st grade when I started learning nursery rhymes. Since then I have failed at the one thing a good poet must have, Rhyme. I am a horrible rhymer (is that a word?) it is one of the reasons why in my poems I use a technique that I learned in the 8th grade, to end each line with an important or impacting word, and it has gotten me pretty mediocre grades so maybe rhyme isn't so important. But all the famous poetry seems to have rhyme so I guess its an art i have failed to master. In the poem "The Possibility" the first thing I noticed, you guessed it the rhyme!  In each stanza the second and fourth ending word rhyme, they make the poem flow in the direction the poet intended it to be. The rhyme is not the only thing that was noticed, in the second to the fourth stanza the same word in the beginning of each stanza is also in the last line of the stanza before it. For example, stanza 2 line 4 " It was not beautiful to me"  Stanza 3 line 1 "I know that work is beautiful" Stanza 3 line 4 "Of squandering my solitude"  Stanza 4 line 1 "And solitude was beautiful"  These two things stood out to me because everything written in this world has a purpose every word, punctuation point and space has impact in the authors eyes so there must have been reason for this to have occurred, but my literary knowledge is short lived, so any thoughts? :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yea what she wrote!

When we read a poem, its just kind of a automatic though that the speaker would be the author. But for some poems I think the poet writes these poems to give the thoughts other people have a voice. It is like how we can hear a song and decide that that song fits us or our situation at the moment, well poems are the same way. The poem "The Writer" I believe was written for my mom, or at lease for her thoughts. I have been writing this story for my best friend back in Texas and I send her chapters when i get around to finishing them, my mom has never asked to read it or see what I am writing but I just kinda know that the poem reflects her thoughts.  This poem fills in the things I know she wants to say to me but just doesn't  say it, and I think that alot of poems are like that, they give us an outlet to portray our thoughts both good and bad.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Have faith, easier said than done

"For the sleepwalkers"  was a delightful imagery packed poem. I could see every stanza play out in my head, which means alot because if I cant "see" I won't be able to fully understand the poem I am reading.  Another thing I enjoyed was how the author spoke about one subject yet his  message was projected to all. I am thankfully not a sleep walker ( that I am aware of at least) but I do know of times where I loose faith in myself and this poem is about people like me. We loose faith in us, in what we are doing and in our actions, we forget to trust ourselves and if we cant do that then what else is left to trust? The poem "spoke" to me in a sense by saying " We have to trust our hearts like that" like the sleep walkers trust they will make it safely around and back into bed. I do not know  how many of us do that, as a student we doubt everything in fear it may be incorrect, when do we ever just know we are right and have faith in our answer? ( and if you say you are one of these students that just knows you are always right, then you are lying ^_^ )

Monday, October 31, 2011

Symbolism? I think yes!

By just reading the title of the poem "The Coming of Wisdom with Time" the first thing that comes to mind is graduation. I have known since 1st grade someday I will graduate as a senior, but now its only months away and it makes me think . I have made many choices in my life which have branched off into different directions influencing my life, but everything still comes back to me, the roots of my tree of life. This poem was symboloic and special to me because it is symbolic of my life in the past and future. After May I will be thrust into the real world where nothing is sugar coated and no one is there to hold my hand like they have for the last 17 years of my life, and this poem truely marks the steps we progress through our lives . This poem hit home for me .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spell check needed

i'm reading the poem "I thank you god" by ee Cummings and i feel like im just learning how to read again. i have to read each sentence out loud and pronounce each word, this poem is full of confusing  things. i am sure you have noticed the lower case "i", well i noticed it too in this poem and how the only things capitalized were the words pertaining to God. Also the odd words like "leaping greenly" and "blue true dream" made me repeat those sentences a lot, did anyone notice how in the poem everything that is linked to God is capitalized yet Cummings didn't capitalize it in the title? As i read this poem i keep trying to figure out what the yes and no answer in the stanzas, the whole poem was oddly written it seemed choppy and messy with big words placed here and there. It is defiantly a poem worth reading about 70 times to full get what it is even saying.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The chop shop of poetry

Like a good car, good poetry has many parts and each part has a specific task it preforms in the whole poem. In the beginning of the poem "Wallflowers" the opening stanza starts out as a thought, an almost unheard of thought, a word an author of all people doesn't know it cant be true. The second part is the question, the rhetorical one meant for us to stop and think for a moment before going and reading the rest of the poem (and I'm sure 90% of us said a word 3 times to make it our own ^_^ )  The third stanza is full of dark gloomy underfed orphaned words that make us feel bad, we have cast aside our need for the words who only want a better life. This is the stanza where things begin to change, we start to see a tone change in the writing.  The fourth part is the beginning of a hopeful tone change from the gloom of stanzas past. We see the author standing up and creating a place full of great word space away from the dismal island of misfit words. The different parts of this poem show the changes in tone and showing a complete problem solution scenario completed in the poem.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The angst of being a teenager

Who are we?
The dull concrete walls judge us
We don't belong, we are not special
Let's be someone else
Someone is better than no one

Let's try to be like them !
The different ones
The ones with pretty hair and clothes
The ones that have a name
The ones everyone knows
That's what we want, to be a part
A part of an identity

But we are not like them
Who else is there ?
We can not be ourselves
We must find it
The identity that is me, I must belong